Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday Doughnuts

As of the past week, my office has pretty much been a ghost town. Everyone is hightailing it out of here to travel back home to their families and start their holiday fun a bit early. But for those of us who are not travelling this holiday season and are still in the office, weird things will happen.
One of my coworkers was generous enough to bring in a box of "fancy" doughnuts from "Glazed and Infused". This place is one of the trendy doughnut stores in Chicago and their claim to fame is the Maple Bacon Bar, which consists of a doughnut covered in maple syrup frosting topped with a strip of grilled to perfection Canadian bacon. Its a little bit sweet and a little bit salty. Not really my cup of tea, but my coworker REALLY enjoyed it as you can see. Hope this gets everyone in the holiday mood!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cookie Exchange!


Yesterday at work we decided to get into the holiday spirit and have a cookie exchange! None of us expected that almost everyone would bring someone and we were even more surprised by the delicious surprises that arrived yesterday at work. It seemed like each dessert was more extravagant and delicious than the next. It made for a really great time yesterday.
Because we had so many cookies they are still lingering around the kitchen today, which is not good because I find myself grabbing one each and every time I get up to get a glass of water. Oh well, all in the spirit of the holidays! Is your office doing anything festive and fun to celebrate the season?


Photo Credit: Lyndsay McCully